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Le mardi 26 mars, nous étions au National Septembre 11 Memorial & Museum qui est situé à Manhattan, New York. Ce musée a ouvert ses portes en mai 2004 sur l'une des Twin Towers. Nous avons eu la chance de voir les restes des murs et d'escaliers. Nous avons pu voir une salle et un film dédiés aux victimes de cette attaque, un camion de pompiers qui a essayé d'éteindre les flammes et divers autres vestiges.


On Tuesday, March 26th, we were at the National  9/11 Memorial & museum which is located in Manhattan, New York. This museum opened in May 2004 on the site of one of the Twin Towers. We had the chance to see the remains of walls and stairs. We were able to see a room and a film dedicated to the victims of this attack, a fire truck that tried to extinguish the flames and various other things.

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